Types of Raj Yoga

Vipreet Raj Yoga
When the 6th, 8th and/or 12th house lord in conjunction with each other, or if they are aspecting each other, then the Vipreet Raj Yoga is created. For Example, if the lord of the eighth house is in twelfth house or sixth house, and lord of the sixth house is in eighth house or twelfth house, lord of the twelfth house is in sixth or eighth house, then the person will be very rich and happy.

Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga
When lagna lord has a relation with lord of centre or trine in the birth chart then this is known as Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga. In Kendra Trikon Rajyoga, Trikon is the form of goddess Lakshmi and centre is the form of lord Vishnu. If this Yoga is formed in anyone's the birth-chart, it will be very auspicious and lucky. This Yoga blesses a person with respect, honor, wealth, health and prosperity depending on the other strength of the kundali.

Neechbhang Raj Yoga
When a debilitated planet and exaulted planets are placed in a single house or debilitated planet is placed in a sign whose sign-lord is exalted or in a Kendra house then it is called the Neechbhanga Rajyoga. For Example, if Mercury is debilitated in the sign Pisces, but the lord of Pisces jupiter is exalted, then its malefic effects get canceled. As a result, Neechbhang Raj Yoga is formed.

Gaj Kesari Yoga
Jupiter (Karak for wealth). Moon (Karak for cash money). When Jupiter & Moon has a Yuti or Jupiter is on Kendra (4th , 7th or 10th) from Moon than this yoga is formed. This auspicious yoga will give the person wealth and money as much and big as Elephant. Also, this yoga gives the person a lot of opportunities to earn wealth.
Gaj (Elephant) Kesari (lion) both are powerful and influential animals. The person with this yoga is capable, efficient, get all luxurious comforts and conveniences and gets a higher position in his profession. This person may also be proficient in creative arts, arguments, debate and may be very intellectual.

Punch Mahapurush Yoga
Punch means five. Maha means great. Purusha means the almighty who is glorious, powerful, wealthy, honorable, intelligence of the universe etc. In astrology those 5 yoga combinations which make a person a symbol of all the above qualities are known as Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas.
There are the 5 most important planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Venus which give these yogas in a birth chart when they are in a Kendra and also in their own houses or the houses of their exaltations, than one of the 5 yoga is formed in that birth chart.
The names of the Maha yogas given by each of these planets are:- Hamsa yoga by Jupiter, Sasa Yoga by Saturn, Ruchaka yoga by Mars, Bhadra yoga of Mercury and Maalavya yoga of Venus.

Chandra Mangala Yoga
Chandra Mangala Yoga is when Mars has a Yuti or partiyuti(1-7) with Moon. This gives great financial prosperity, and great business sense. In a man's birth chart it can bring Prosperity through women.

Saraswati Yoga
Saraswati is the goddess of learning. This yoga gives intelligence, and talents with music, speaking and writing. The requirements for this yoga are the three benefics (Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) in kendras, trines or the 2nd house and all three are strong.